The Single Engagement Agreement may not be used in New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, or San Francisco.

Important! Applications must be submitted using the online application form. Please submit as soon as possible but preferably at least three weeks before first rehearsal. Upon receipt, you will be notified regarding the amounts needed to process your contracts. It may take a minimum of three weeks from the date your electronic payments arrive at Actors' Equity and Equity League Pension & Health Trust Fund to process your request, so please plan accordingly. If you are not able to submit payments electronically, we will provide the mailing addresses, but there may be a considerable delay in receiving your contracts.

  • No Equity Actor or Stage Manager may begin rehearsals without having signed an Equity contract.
  • Do not send electronic payments until your application has been processed and approved and you receive a permission letter.

The Single Engagement Agreement may not be used in New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, or San Francisco without express written consent of Equity.

The following guidelines provide an overview of the Actors' Equity Single Engagement Agreement. You may also hear this agreement referred to as a Prepaid contract. If you have any questions or wish to receive a full copy of the agreement, please email

Who may utilize this contract?

Small community theatres, Colleges and Universities, groups operating within an educational or community framework and not-for-profit educational theatres may secure the services of professional Actors or Stage Managers by obtaining permission from Equity.

How do I obtain permission?

Actors' Equity endeavors to satisfy requests to employ Equity members and does not arbitrarily withhold the granting of such permission. However, consideration is given to the nature of your organization, size of company, budget, performance schedule and the relationship to professional theatrical activities in the area. Please be sure that your application for the employment of an Actor or Stage Manager is approved with the appropriate Equity Business Representative before any public announcement. Whenever possible, permission will be granted as soon as Equity has had the opportunity to investigate the request. The granting of permission for an Actor or Stage Manager to appear on a Single Engagement Agreement is done on an individual basis only. It is necessary for you to make an application to Equity each time you wish to engage an Actor or Stage Manager. The granting of permission for one Single Engagement Agreement can in no way be construed as establishing a precedent for others.

How do I contact an Equity Actor?

Equity can provide assistance accessing the Equity talent pool through auditions, should you need help. If you make contact directly with the Actor or the Actor's agent, it is still necessary to seek the approval of Equity to engage the Actor.

How many Actors or Stage Managers may I employ in my show?

On Category 1- Barring special circumstances, A theatre company may apply on behalf of more than three Equity members for permissions, but such applications must include an Equity stage manager.

On Category 2- Barring special circumstances, no more than three Actors and one Stage Manager shall be hired in any production on category 2. If three or more Actors are employed, a Stage Manager must also be employed

May Actors and Stage Managers be hired as independent contractors or on a fee basis?

No. Actors and Stage Managers do not meet state or federal criteria as independent contractors. Thus, federally required employer contributions to Social Security, Medicare and unemployment must be made, as well as state-required contributions to Unemployment and Workers' Compensation insurance programs. These amounts are in addition to the salary and pension and health contributions and may not be waived.

Paymasters – In the event you are not set up as an employer and are unable to procure Workers' Compensation or Unemployment Insurance or provide payroll deductions, there are organizations known as paymasters through whom you may procure these services. If you need help finding a Paymaster, please email for a list of paymasters who have worked with other theatres. Please note: Actors' Equity does not endorse any specific Paymaster.

Unemployment Insurance – Equity requires that Actors and Stage Managers employed under Equity contract receive the benefits provided by the Unemployment Insurance laws of the state in which the Actor or Stage Manager performs/works, or through the voluntary provisions of the New York or New Jersey State Unemployment laws. Should it be impossible to comply with this provision, it will be necessary to contact Equity before signing any agreements. Please contact your regional Equity office for further information.

Tell me about salary, pension, health and Working Dues.

Salaries – Salaries are broken down first by Category, and then by Tier. Category 1 has two Tiers; A and B, which are determined based on seating capacity, weekly potential box office, and performance schedule. Category 2 has three Tiers; A, B and C, which are determined based on performance schedule. (For minimum salaries and other rates, please see the Tier Structure Highlights.)

Weekly Potential Box Office- [WPBO] this figure determines if the production qualifies for either of the two tiers of Category 1. This figure is the MAXIMUM INCOME POSSIBLE if every seat was sold at its pre-assigned face value. Formula: $ [average ticket price] X [total # of seats] X [# of performances per week] = $ [WPBO]Equity establishes minimum salaries only and encourages Actors, Stage Managers, and their employers to negotiate above these minimums whenever possible. All salaries are subject to the applicable minimum wage.

How much do I pay for overtime?

Overtime is calculated by the weekly Salary divided by max weekly hours x 1.5. . If the 12-hour rest period is invaded, overtime is calculated by the weekly Salary divided by max weekly hours x 2 (See Tier Table.)

How about per diem?

Minimum per diem is currently $35 for all out-of-town Actors (Actors whose primary residence is 50 miles or more from the location of the rehearsal or performance venue). (See Tier Structure Highlights.)

When do I pay the Actor or Stage Manager?

Salary and per diem are paid weekly, no later than the evening of the Thursday of that week's work.

What is an Equity work week?

The Equity work week runs from Monday through Sunday.

Can any work week be pro-rated?

On Category 1, there is no allowance for pro-rated weeks. This means that if the date of first rehearsal lands on a Sunday, that one day of rehearsal will be regarded as an entire work week. Therefore, careful scheduling is strongly advised.

On Category 2, The first week of rehearsal may be pro-rated, 1/6th for Tiers B, and C, and 1/5th for Tier A of contractual salary for each day, if the Actor or Stage Manager's first call is late in the week. (The health insurance contribution may not be pro-rated.) Category 1 salaries may not be pro-rated.

What about pay stubs?

Whether paid by check, cash, or electronically, the Actor or Stage Manager must be issued a record of gross salary; an itemization of additional payments (overtime, clothing rental, etc.), itemized deductions and net salary for their records.

How much are the pension and health payments?

Contributions as outlined in the Category on the Actor or Stage Manager's behalf to the Equity-League Pension and Health Trust Fund are required and made by the employer. These contributions are not deducted from the Actor or Stage Manager's salary and provide either supplemental workers compensation or medical insurance and help accrue pension credits for the Artist. For pension contribution and health rates, please see the Tier Structure Highlights. (Copies of the plans are available upon request.)
Pension payments across all categories and tiers are equal to 8% of the total gross weekly salary.

Supplemental Workers Compensation or Health payments vary depending on the Category, the Tier, and the state in which work is happening. For a breakdown of costs, please see Tier Structure.

What about Working Dues?

Currently, 2.5% of the Equity member's total gross salary must be deducted and forwarded to Equity as the Actor or Stage Manager's dues obligation to Equity. It is not a cost borne by the producer.

Do I provide housing for the Actors or Stage Managers?

Out-of-town Actors and Stage Managers are provided housing at no cost to the Actor or Stage Manager. Each Actor or Stage Manager is provided a single, private bedroom. (If you cannot provide the accommodations, you must consult with Equity prior to issuing contracts.) An out-of-town Actor or Stage Manager is any Actor or Stage Manager whose home address, as listed with Equity, is 50 miles or greater from the theatre.

What about transportation?

For out-of-town Actors and Stage Managers, the Producer provides round-trip transportation in the form of an airline ticket or cash at least three days before the Actor or Stage Manager's departure for the place of engagement. All transportation costs, including taxis, baggage handling and gratuities, must be paid by the Producer.

What about local transportation?

If local transportation is necessary from the Actor or Stage Manager's residence to the theatre, the Producer provides this transportation.

I'd like to hire an Actor or Stage Manager. What do I do now?

Complete an Application – Once an Equity Member has agreed generally to the terms of employment, the Producer or the institution must contact Equity to secure permission to engage the Actor or Stage Manager. The employer must describe the theatre organization and proposed production by completing the online application found here. This online application should be submitted as far in advance of the visiting Actor's reporting date as possible, but preferably no later than 3 weeks prior to the start of rehearsals.

The Actor or Stage Manager's employment may not begin until Equity has issued a contract and it has been signed by both the Producer and Actor or Stage Manager.

Hold AuditionsSee above.

Secure the Checks – Once the commitment has been made to hire the Actor or Stage Manager and permission from Equity has been granted, requisition for payment should be made by the appropriate fiscal representative in sufficient time to submit the necessary electronic payments. Special attention should be given to this by colleges and other operations where there is no weekly payroll. (See above.)

To whom and for what do I submit the electronic payments?

We require two (2) separate electronic payments:

  1. Pension & Health Check – This payment is payable to the Equity-League Pension and Health Trust Fund to cover the total pension and health contributions.
  2. Working Dues Check – This payment is payable to Actors' Equity Association, in the current amount of 2.5% of the Actor or Stage Manager's total gross salary, to cover the Actor or Stage Manager's working dues obligation.

Note: If you will be using your organization's internal payroll system, Actors' Equity will require a copy of at least two weeks' of the paychecks for the Actor or Stage Manager/s, with itemized deductions.

Then you'll send me the contracts?

Upon receipt of the electronic payments described above, the copies of two weeks' paystubs (if applicable), Equity will generate and email the contract to you for signing.

I've received the contract. How do I complete it?

You must sign the contract before the Actor or Stage Manager. You and the Actor or Stage Manager each get two copies – one to keep and one to file with Equity. Electronic signatures are permitted, using a third-party service such as Docu-Sign.

Can I require Publicity?

Actors and Stage Managers are not required to do publicity; however, the Actor or Stage Manager may agree to do public relations with reasonable notice. Publicity may not include any performance of material from the production.

May I videotape the production?

The Single Engagement Agreement allows for limited filming for the purposes of broadcast on news or community affairs programs. Should you wish to record the production for other purposes, you can opt into the Agreement's expanded media provision. This allows for filming for archival purposes, grants, fundraising, awards and limited use on websites and social media. Opting in requires a $25 per week salary bump for all Actors or Stage Managers for the full duration of the contract.

What if I want the Actor or Stage Manager to teach a class?

On Category 2; If the Actor or Stage Manager is hired as an Actor or Stage Manager/Teacher, the teaching responsibilities must be clearly defined by means of a rider. Also, the work week schedule must be in compliance with the Equity work week. Teaching, except for question-and-answer sessions for which no preparation is expected or required, is counted as two hours for each hour of work against the allotted maximum allowed under each Tier.

I'd really like to have an Actor or Stage Manager perform other roles , but I didn't include it on the contract. What do I do?

An Actor or Stage Manager may not do additional work without agreement between the Actor or Stage Manager and you, the Producer, and additional compensation. Additional work is defined as work not specified in the Actor or Stage Manager's contract at the time of its signing. (Additional duties are contracted by rider with copies sent to the Actor and to Equity.)

What about billing in the program?

If a cast list is provided, all Actors and Stage Manager engaged under the Single Engagement Agreement are listed on the title page or cast list page of the theatre's program with an asterisk (*) next to their names. The asterisk refers to a program note which reads: "The Actor or Stage Manager appears through the courtesy of Actors' Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States."If Actors or Stage Managers provide a biography for the program, changes by the Producer must be approved by the Actor or Stage Manager before printing.

What about costumes?

The Producer provides and maintains all costumes, including wigs, hats, beards, hairpieces, tights and hose and properly fitted footwear. Actors or Stage Managers may agree to use items from their personal wardrobe with a rental agreement set forth on a rider to the contract. Contact Equity for the appropriate terms and rider.

Dressing Rooms?

The Actor is to be provided a private dressing room, if possible, and must have (or be in close proximity to) toilet facilities.

Anything else?

The Single Engagement Agreement includes, by reference, all items contained in these guidelines as an obligation and responsibility. All other rules will be mutually agreed upon between the employer and Equity. If unable to agree, Equity's decision will be final. Equity will make its decisions based upon, and in reference to, custom and usage in the industry as appropriate.

To obtain a copy of the Single Engagement Agreement, email

Tier Structure Highlights (effective through March 22, 2026).

Rates effective March 24, 2025 through March 22, 2026.

Category 1


Tier A

Tier B

Performances (weekly)



  Additional Performance (1)

1.5 Pro-rata

1.5 Pro-rata

  Length of Run

20 Performances

25 Performances

Maximum Potential Box Office



Maximum Venue Seating



Minimum Salary - Actor



Minimum Salary – Assistant Stage Manager



Minimum Salary - Stage Manager






Supplemental Workers' Compensation (required)

$4.00 SWC

$4.00 SWC

Health (MN and Optional) - includes SWC



Working Dues




Overtime is calculated at 1.5x the contractual hourly salary for each ½ hour or part thereof. If the 12-hour rest period is invaded, overtime is calculated at 2x the contractual hourly salary for each ½ hour or part thereof

Per Diem



Contracts allowed (w/o permission)



Rehearsal Hours

5 Hours/day

5 Hours/day

Rehearsal/Performance Hours through 1st Paid Public Performance

20 Hours Combined

30 Hours Combined

Rehearsal/Performance Hours after 1st Paid Public Performance

20 Hours Combined

30 Hours Combined

Days Off



Out of Town

50 Miles

50 Miles

Extended Performances

$50/Week Starting with 21st Performance

$50/Week Starting with 26th Performance

1 Week Contract

$50 additional

$50 additional

Expanded Media Fee

$25 additional

$25 additional


Not for use in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles or San Francisco

Category 2

Tier A

Tier B

Tier C

Maximum Performances Per Week




Maximum Weekly Hours Before/After 1st Public Performance




Span of Day

7 of 8 1/2 hours

7 of 10 hours

7 of 10 hours

Minimum Weekly Actor Salary*




Minimum Weekly SM/ASM Salary*

ASM- $474.00

ASM- $632.00

ASM- $806.00

Engagement of 1 Week or Less

$50.00 in addition to minimums listed above


Overtime is calculated by the weekly Salary divided by max weekly hours x 1.5. If the 12 hour rest period is invaded, Overtime is calculated by the weekly Salary divided by max weekly hours x2.

Health Contribution




Pension Contribution

8% of salary

Minimum Per Diem

$35.00 per day, or $245.00 per week

Additional Performance Payment

Contractual Pro Rata Performance Rate

 Contractual Pro Rata Performance Rate

 Contractual Pro Rata Performance Rate

*Salaries are subject to the applicable minimum wage.