Equity currently employs 180 full-time professional and part-time support staff in its three office cities and one additional satellite office. The staff is responsible for handling the day-to-day business of the Association and its members.
Executive Director Al Vincent, Jr. is responsible for the overall implementation of national policy, contract oversight and negotiations, and communication with our members and the public. Regina Mincey-Garlin, assistant executive director for finance and administration, oversees Equity's national finances and overall administration. Three assistant executive directors oversee the contract business representatives in each of their respective offices and regional areas. This team of executives, working together with the National Council, the Regional Boards and the members of Equity's dedicated staff, is responsible for making recommendations to the governing bodies regarding policy and financial and contractual issues.
The single largest group of professional staff members consists of more than 35 business representatives. Supervised by six senior business representatives, the business reps are the staff members with whom producers and working members deal on a day-to-day basis. Their duties include answering questions and interpreting agreement provisions, enforcing and administering all work rules, negotiating with employers, and handling all manner of member claims, grievances and disputes.
Equity's National Headquarters and Eastern Regional office is located in New York City. There are Regional Offices in Chicago and North Hollywood, and a satellite office in Orlando.
Eastern Region
New York
165 West 46th St.
New York, NY 10036
Land acknowledgement
Membership, 14th Floor
Reception, 15th Floor
Audition Center, 16th Floor
Telephone: (212) 869-8530
For performance-related emergencies outside of office hours: (888) 802-5307
The office is located in the heart of Times Square on 46th St. just east of 7th Ave. View on map.
Please remember to show front desk security your Equity member card (or valid photo ID) to enter the NY building at 165 West 46th. Thank you.
General Office Hours:
9:30-5:30, M-F
Membership Hours:
10-4:30, M-F
6649 Westwood Blvd.
Suite #220
Orlando, FL 32821
Land acknowledgement
Telephone: (407) 345-8600
For performance-related emergencies outside of office hours: (888) 802-5307
Office Hours:
9:30-5:30, M-F
Central Region
557 West Randolph St.
Chicago, IL 60661
Land acknowledgement
Telephone: (312) 641-0393
For performance-related emergencies outside of office hours: (888) 802-5307
The office is located on West Randolph St. between N. Jefferson St. and N. Clinton St. View on map.
General Office Hours:
9:00-5:00, M-F
Membership Hours:
9:30-4:30, M-F
Western Region
Los Angeles
5636 Tujunga Avenue
North Hollywood, CA 91601
Land acknowledgement
Telephone: (323) 978-8080
Pension & Health: (800) 344-5220
For performance-related emergencies outside of office hours: (888) 802-5307
Take the Hollywood Freeway to Burbank Blvd. (exit 7). Turn right on Burbank Blvd. then left on Tujunga Ave. View on map.
General Office Hours:
9:00-5:00, M-F
Membership Hours:
9:30-4:30, M-F
PARKING: Please observe all parking rules and regulations. The highlighted streets have two-hour parking.