Actors' Equity Reminds Audiences to #AskifitsEquity in Atlanta

As the new theatre season gets underway in Atlanta, Actors’ Equity Association, is launching a new campaign urging Atlanta area audiences to #AskifitsEquity before they purchase their tickets.

More than 500 Equity actors and stage managers call Atlanta home, and do outstanding professional work at such theaters as Actors’ Express Theatre Company, Alliance Theatre, Atlanta Lyric, Atlanta Shakespeare, Aurora (Main Stage), Theatre Emory at Emory University, Horizon Theatre Company, Savannah Repertory Theatre, Theatrical Outfit and True Colors Theatre. These theatres all use full Equity agreements, making long-term commitments to providing fair compensation, including health care and pension benefits. 

"When you see a theatre with an Equity plaque in the lobby, that’s a place that is committed to fair compensation and workplace safety rules that allow the members to give their all for the audience, night after night," said Karen D. Howell, the volunteer chair of Equity’s Atlanta Liaison Committee. "Before you buy, #AskifitsEquity.”  

Audience members who are looking to find the full list of Equity theatres and productions – including tours – that are using full Equity Agreements by going to  

As part of Equity 2020, a campaign to build a stronger union by the year 2020, Equity is focusing on the Atlanta area as a place to grow the number of paid work opportunities for professional actors and stage managers by raising awareness about the value of professional theatre. This campaign includes targeted advertising highlighting Atlanta’s strong theatre scene, and a video campaign that explains why it matters to actors and stage managers when the audience makes a commitment to #AskifitsEquity. As part of the campaign, dozens of Equity members in the Atlanta area have committed to putting #AskifitsEquity in their bios on social media and in their Playbills.

October 24, 2018
