Actors’ Equity Association and Walt Disney World Reach Agreement on Furloughed Workers

New York – Walt Disney World was one of many entertainment venues shut down by the coronavirus pandemic. On Monday, April 13, Actors' Equity Association finalized negotiations with Walt Disney World regarding terms for furloughed members.

The agreement includes additional health care coverage for cast members and the ability for furloughed workers to make a one-time election of the amount of accrued unused paid time off to be paid on a regular pay cycle.

“We are proud to be able to reach agreement on our primary goals, to ensure both continued access to health care throughout the furlough, and a guaranteed return to employment under the contract for everyone on the Equity agreement,” said Russell Lehrer, chief negotiator for the Equity team.

Details were sent yesterday by email to cast members working on an Equity agreement and posted in the Equity member portal. Cast members who have additional questions can contact the Orlando Equity office by phone or email.

Actors’ Equity is continuing to work to ensure members receive all the benefits of your collective bargaining agreements. Last month, Equity joined with the Coalition of Broadway Unions (COBUG) for pay and health benefits for members working on Broadway and tour. Equity has also called for a 100 percent COBRA subsidy so that no one loses their health care during a pandemic.

ACTORS' EQUITY ASSOCIATION, founded in 1913, is the U.S. labor union that represents more than 51,000 professional actors and stage managers. Equity endeavors to advance the careers of its members by negotiating wages, improving working conditions and providing a wide range of benefits (health and pension included). Member: AFL-CIO, FIA. #EquityWorks 

April 14, 2020
