Lulu Picart

I am very proud to say that I got my Equity card by getting the best hands-on training I can imagine: by doing shows that ranged from a capella groups to improvisational troupes to musical theater to hosting – basically anything that a person in a wig and a costume can do while staying in light (or sunshine). I got my card through Walt Disney World, and I’m a better actor for it.

My Equity card let me work in regional theaters while working (and earning a pension) at Walt Disney World, and it enabled me to audition in New York City even before I lived in it. Not only that, but the time I spent at Walt Disney World exposed me to brilliant actors with all different kinds of training. I worked with physical comedians, clowns, singers of all genres, improvisers, hosts, and puppeteers who were both dedicated and at the top of their game, performing full-time.

I’m very grateful for the relationship that Actors’ Equity and Walt Disney World have developed, and I’m very thankful to have spent so much time performing, creating and improvising in my early years. Also, Minnie and I once danced to “Single Ladies” while Mickey watched with his hands on his hips, so it was worth it just for that memory alone.

Originally published in Equity News, Autumn 2017.