“I was truly surprised to receive this robe for Spamalot, and honored. My esteemed colleagues Charlie Sutton and Shina Morris both have more Broadway ensemble experience than I do but chose to pass the Robe down. I adore this tradition, knowing how hard the ensemble in a Broadway show works each day and how special it is to be a part of an original Broadway company, and I couldn’t be prouder to be among the legacy of recipients before me. Any chance we have to cheer on our peers is a welcome one. I was most touched by the tradition of blessing each dressing room before the show -- I was able to visit, see and celebrate each cast member before we shared our opening night performance and get out of my own little pre-show bubble. I can’t wait to pass this honor to the next ensemblist very soon!"

Photo by Jay-Rey Rivera.
Name: Michael Fatica
Opening Night: November 16, 2023
Hometown: Cape Coral, Florida
First Broadway Credit: Newsies in 2012, as a swing. My dream show!
Professional Training: I graduated from Florida State University with a BFA in Music Theatre.
Year Joined Equity: 2011
How I Got My Equity Card: I got my card while doing two shows the Fulton Theatre in Lancaster, Pennsylvania: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and the young audience version of The Little Mermaid. It was Mermaid that technically earned me the card. I was an eel of some kind.
Other Broadway Chorus Contract Credits: She Loves Me (Busboy), Matilda (Party Entertainer), Groundhog Day, A Bronx Tale (vacation swing), The Cher Show (u/s Sonny Bono), Newsies (swing/dance captain) and Frozen (u/s Olaf and the Duke of Weselton).
Fun Fact: "I can’t whistle, which, is quite problematic for a show with a very famous whistle line in the act 2 opener. Thank goodness I don’t understudy the incredibly talented Christopher Fitzgerald. I’d be found out as a whistle-faker."

Michael Fatica blesses his castmates in their dressing room (L to R: Gabriella Enriquez, Kristin Piro, Shina Ann Morris and Maria Briggs. Photo by Jeffrey Bateman.

Leslie Rodriguez Kritzer captures Michael Fatica blessing her dressing room for her vlog. Photo by Jeffrey Bateman.
Watch the video of the ceremony