The curtain has come down on the Safety Spotlight.
Thanks to the vigilance and hard work of Equity members and other theatre-makers across the country, during the COVID-19 pandemic we were able to keep the spotlight on at theatres in 39 states and Washington, D.C.
Our Safety Team shared some numbers reflecting their work:
• Total approvals for live work with live audience: 315 including Walt Disney World
• Total approvals for live work no audience: 154
• Total approvals for "fully vaccinated" protocols: 272
• Total approved member contracts: 1772, not including Walt Disney World cast members
There were false positives identified, pauses in rehearsal, a few postponed productions to make sure people were safe, but only one production reported to our safety team where there was an outbreak involving a member. We are enormously proud of the work done on Equity contracts as well as the work done behind the scenes to make those productions possible.
Although we will no longer be highlighting the theaters who receive an Equity “green light” here on the Safety Spotlight, we will continue to make resources for producers working during COVID-19 available on our website as long as they are necessary.
If you are a theater ticket buyer, you can refer to our #AskifitsEquity website to find an Equity production near you. An Actors’ Equity production means fair pay and safer theaters for everyone.
Equity members can continue to receive updates on the union status of theaters by referring to our DO NOT WORK list.