Strike for Black LivesThis Monday, July 20, is the Strike for Black Lives, a worker-led response to the ongoing injustices in the United States. Its focus is to dismantle racism and white supremacy as obstacles to economic, climate and immigration justice, as well as emphasizing the importance of labor unions. The day of action features a walkout, and many unions and other organizations are planning to protest.

While the closure of theatre renders a formal walkout from Equity members impossible, there are still ways you can participate, including eight minutes and 46 seconds of silence in memory of George Floyd on July 20 beginning at noon, registering to vote and attending actions taking place nationwide.

"We are proud to see Equity staff step away from their desks to join the movement for economic and racial justice for themselves and for all workers."

Equity staff will also be participating in the strike. Staff has been working tirelessly throughout the COVID-19 pandemic to serve union membership. While their efforts on that front are essential to the theatre industry, we are proud to see them step away from their desks to join the movement for economic and racial justice for themselves and for all workers.  

You can find an action near you and learn more about the Strike for Black Lives on their website